Thursday 24 January 2013


Okay, so I've finally succumbed to the blogging bug and decided to publish something, but what can I blog about? Surely not what "Alvivi" are doing at the moment. Well, given that I am 100% Singaporean and given that there isn't much going on in Singapore at any given time, I guess the only thing worth blogging about is food. Hence, the whole diving headfirst onto food blogging bandwagon episode.

I know, its clichéd, but at least for me, food is a passion and something worth sharing. Admittedly, taste is subjective and touchy, varying from person to person, but heck. I'm sure all of us would equally enjoy a fantastic steak, a great plate of char kway teow or a sumptuous bowl of ramen. Afterall, in Singapore, we live to eat.


As I'm writing this article, I'm concurrently stuffing my face with one of my guilty pleasures(the lovely Banana Omelette from Sun Moulin at Isetan Scotts) but I'm by no means a glutton, neither am I a gourmet connoisseur. I really am just a regular guy who really loves his chow.

Food and travel are my 2 biggest passions with football(Manchester United if you must know(; ) a close third. So you can probably guess that my TV heroes are Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern. I did have the fortune of meeting Andrew Zimmern once, and he's not as big in real life as he is on television, but he was really nice and down to earth. Watching them on their travels and what they get to eat or have to eat(in Zimmern's case) never fails to pique my interest.

In all honesty, I do travel quite a bit. But with the advent of globalization, and with the headways made in air travel, I'm quite positive most of us have had the luxury and privilege of doing so. So I will be sharing my culinary conquests overseas as well. Hopefully, if its any good, you guys get to try it when you visit there too.

As of today, I shall(as long as my schedule allows) visit at least 2 restaurants a week...hence the blog name, and post my 2 cents right here. Food, I'm sure to some people, is more than a religion and I hope to share my experiences with everyone. No sugar coated BS, just the cold hard truth. I call it as it is.

BUT...if the food not nice. Don't flame me online ah. It's just my personal opinion(: After all,
one man's meat is another man's poison. So I hope you guys enjoy reading my future posts and in any case...

Bon Appetit!

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